Saturday, February 5, 2011

Total Young Life Move

Knowing everyone you see while wearing Chacos with socks, a Patagonia fleece and a Kavu bag all while having Frisbee moves better than the people in the Tron movie, TYLM (Total Young Life move, follow them on Twitter. Hilarious.) My friends and I used this all weekend--it was so fun, and hilarious.

This weekend I had the opportunity to serve the Young Life leaders and committee members of the Tar heel Region. How fun?! And what an honor?! It was a great time. Young Life has always been a very big part of my life, and I hope that it will continue to always be close to my heart.  But my prayer is that my love for Young Life will not get in the way of my love for Jesus.  I often find myself loving Young Life more than I love the man it's all about, Jesus.  But I do believe that Young Life is a great way to bring Jesus Christ into the lives of high schoolers, middle schoolers, and college students. And that's what it is all about, Jesus--Who is my Daddy. :)  That was what the speaker spoke on this weekend, knowing your Daddy. 

It was so good to get refreshed and have my cup refilled.  I love serving, but everyone needs to have their life replenished time and time again. 

The speaker also spoke on forgiveness. Now when it comes to forgiveness I am like a pendulum, one extreme or another.  I will either forgive too easily, without a second thought or I will hold a grudge till my face turns blue.  I struggle more with the later, I hate to admit.  My stubbornness comes from wanting to make others feel how they made me feel when they hurt me. I think a better word would be revenge. I want revenge! That sounds so savage when put to words, and in a way it is! It is our human nature to want to make others feel bad about themselves or the decisions they have made that have affected the people around them.  But there also comes a freedom from forgiving someone for hurting you.  All I want to do is hold on to my hurt and constantly think to myself, how could they do something like that to me? Do they even care about anyone else but themselves? But letting go of this hurt is very freeing; forgiving someone for something they did to you. It's hard! Don't get me wrong, but holding on to this hurt doesn't make things any easier and it sure doesn't make life more enjoyable.  I forgave someone this weekend, I won't mention their name because this is the Internet you know? Anyone can read what I'm posting which at this moment really creeps me out. I forgave someone who hurt me, hurt me really bad.  It was hard, and I didn't want to do it. I wanted to keep holding on to that hurt so that I could have a huge pity party that has lasted for way too long. Now of course, I didn't have this party everydayyy; just everyday that ended in "y". ;) But seriously, I didn't.  Just when things weren't looking too good and I needed something to be mad about--classy right? I can't believe I just admitted that, but I'm certain I'm not the only person who struggles with this.  I was only focused on me, and that shouldn't be the case.   And when it comes to my pendulum of forgiveness, I think I should be more prone to forgive others.  Jesus gives me second chances ALL the time, and I often never deserve them. 

So forgive. Forgive so that you may live freely.  And love, for love conquers all (sooo cheesy, but it's true.)  So blog world, whoever chooses to read my ramblins', I hope you read this and learn from my mistakes that I have made many times.

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