Monday, April 29, 2013

Maybe I'll blog more once I graduate...

Food for thought… Maybe I will have more time once I graduate to blog. (HA!) As I have been told, and have also experienced- life doesn't slow down! It just gets more awesome :)

Graduation is near and very much real. I am having a hard time grasping the fact that I will be graduated this time next week. Weird?! I have grown up so much. I have learned more than I thought I would while being at college. It has been a great experience, sometimes were hard and I felt very lonely but other times I would look around me and see my many blessings. 

I have so many things to be thankful for. Where to begin!? 

  1. My family. Where would I be without them? They lift me up and encourage me continuously, showing me the beauty of a life centered around Christ. I am forever grateful for them. Yes, we have had our fair share of hard times- but who doesn't? The hard times meld us together into a beautiful piece of work, unique in our own special way. The good times allow us to laugh together, to see how amazing each of our members are, and appreciate and cherish one another. I love them so much. I can confidently say that I will always be a home body, cherishing the times I have at home. To my family: I love you more than words can express, each of you hold a very special place in my heart. I can not articulate the meaning and value you have in my life. 
  2. My friends. I have such great friends! Seriously, they are just the best. I have been able to meet so many awesome people while being at school. I love them all! I sometimes forget how much we crave true community, and I am very blessed to have found it while being at school. I came here knowing only a handful of people and I am leaving with more friends than I can count. Of course, each of my relationships are different. Each of them having their own characteristics. But that is the beauty of life! You meet people and you share yourself with them, forming a bond unlike any other relationship you have. That makes each of them so very special! I will often compare a relationship I have with someone to a relationship they share with another person, but this will only lead to self-doubt! Pushing me to ask the questions, "Do I matter?" and "Am I important to anyone?" My relationships are special in their own way! How quickly do I forget this? It isn't long until I allow myself to hear the gentle voice of Jesus saying in a way that causes me to collapse in his arms, "You are my beloved, and I love you more than I can express in words. You matter more to me than anything. Cant you see how I have been loving and pursuing you your whole life? Don't allow yourself to put your worth in others! I love you." My friends are great! I love each of them in a different way, but I do not love them any less than another. 
  3. My professors. Man I have had some AWESOME professors! I can't even begin to type up all of the amazing ones I have had the chance to come in contact with. What a joy it has been getting to know all of them! Many of them have gone to great lengths to help me understand a concept or bring up my grade. Sometimes, I have stayed after class to talk to a professor just simply because they ROCK! Gosh, they really are great. They have been one of my favorite aspects of college. The biology department is just a prize to me. Yes, we don't have the newest building on campus but inside that building are faculty that will knock your socks off with the knowledge they have. If you haven't met and of them, I would highly recommend taking some time to go and meet the awesome professors of Congdon Hall. 
  4. Jesus. He loves me more than I will ever comprehend. He has stood by me while I remain mad at Him, not understanding my purpose in life. I can't put into words all that He has done in my life. I only pray that I will not leave His side, I will hold tightly to His hand as I walk into the next chapter of my life fearful of the unknown. 
  5. Many more things! I can't name everything I am grateful for in one post, I would be here all day. Instead, I challenge you to go throughout your day and look at everything you are thankful for. So often we grumble and complain about the things that aren't, but when we stop to see the things that are we are filed with joy. Having a grateful heart, brings joy to our Savior. He delights to see us smile and give thanks for His blessings. It may be unnatural at first, but once you begin to see your blessings you won't be able to stop. It's wonderful!