Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I cannot claim this as my own, I found it on a person's (who I look up to greatly) blog. It is a wonderful analogy of the Lord crushing us into something beautiful. Sometimes this is very frustrating and we resist, which results in a product that is not pretty. It is a beautiful thing to be obedient to the Lord. But it is not always very easy.

"If we are ever going to be made into wine, we will have to be crushed-you cannot drink grapes. Grapes become wine only when they have been squeezed.

I wonder what finger and thumb God has been using to squeeze you? Have you been hard as a marble and escaped? If you are not ripe yet, and if God had squeezed you anyway, the wine produced would have been remarkably bitter...We have to be placed into God and brought into agreement with Him before we can be broken bread in His hands."

My Utmost for His Highest
Oswald Chambers
 September 30

Class Jitters.

Right now, I have got a bad case of the "Class-Time-Jitters". These typically come when one it excited about something, or is simply bored. In my case, it's both!! I am so pumped for College Life tonight but on the other hand, I am so bored in class! I am so excited about Club that class is super boring. I knew that today was going to be one of those days. I just want to get my work done so I can plan things for College Life! Our Fall Retreat is coming up soon and me and my friend Kelsey (who is also on Leadership) are doing program for the retreat and I am SO excited!! But in order for me to plan for the retreat, I have so much school to do, and I could be doing it right now… But I'm in class, not paying attention and blogging; so maybe I should just leave..? Nahhh, I'll stick it out, only 30 more minutes!!