Thursday, February 2, 2012

Social Media and Friends.

Social media is such a buzz kill. It really has a way of making you feel SO out of the loop. I sort of hate it actually, more like despise it.  There is nothing worse than seeing a tweet about your friends hanging out or having a picture show up on your news feed of people having an awesome time--and you're in your room doing nothing, or homework.  I don't like it, and I really think it was created for people to show others that their life is so awesome. Does anybody really care who you're hanging out with at that specific moment in time? Well, no. But I think people get a lot of satisfaction out of tweeting and posting about who they are hanging out with; mainly to make people jealous of their lives because they aren't really that great to begin with. 

This is mainly a blog to express my frustration, which I did somewhat by writing this. But it is always going to be like this. People are always going to be insecure of their lives and want to make them seem more great than they really are… Oh well… what are ya gonna do.