The ramblin's and happenin's of your not-everyday, above-average, girl.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
What's happeninnn.
Hello Blog. I am sorry to say that right now you are acting as a means of procrastination, I am shamed to admit this. But when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade! No purpose in that comment. Just like I feel there is no purpose in me doing my homework, I mean it isn't due until Tuesday sooo I have a few days (really one, but who is counting?! obvi not meee.) Well if I wait until tomorrow to finish it all, I will probably not get it all done. So I could be a good girl and finish it now orrrr hate myself tomorrow for not doing it tonight. Maybe I should make some lemonade? See! This is the mind I am dealing with, granted it is my mind. But I mean can't someone else deal with my thoughts for tonight? No. That isn't possible. But I can dream. Day dream, as I do often. Like now for example! I won't let you all in on what I am day dreaming about, it'll be my little secret. Probs don't want to know anyways. Well the better of me is telling me to finish my work. So that is my little blabber of the night. I like that word, "blabber". My goal is to use it five times tomorrow, I'll let you know how it goes.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Grace will lead me Home.
I grew up in a very traditional Church. To many that may seem very foreign. We sang no contemporary worship songs and the service was set up the same--I had the bulletin memorized but would still look at it every five minutes to see what came next. Maybe it made the time go by faster, or maybe it was a habit. Hymns were a part of my life, and I have may that really enjoy and will always get something out of them when we sing them.
While at school I have been going to the same Church for about a year but today I went to a different Church, The Summit Church, with one of my friends. It was a great experience. The message today was that we are all lost and even if we have come to know Jesus, everyday we wander astray due to our sinful nature. We are in constant need of Jesus' guidance, and we never run out of re-do's. Unending Love, Amazing Grace. At the end of the service we sang Amazing Grace, one of my all time favorite Hymns. The lyrics speak for themselves. What an Amazing God with Unending Love and Amazing Grace.
True Grit, a movie I would recommend to anyone! It was a great movie, and showed the joy in the simplicity of life. Mattie Ross, a fireball of a girl who is on a mission to avenge her fathers death, says in the beginning of the movie, "You must pay for everything in this world, one way and another. There is nothing free except the Grace of God." How very true and so well said? Without the grace of God I would be so very lost. And it is the Grace of God that I am forever grateful for--It is Grace that has brought me safe thus far and it is Grace that will lead me Home.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.
Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come;
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
and Grace will lead me home.
The Lord has promised good to me.
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.
Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.
When we've been here ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we've first begun.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
While at school I have been going to the same Church for about a year but today I went to a different Church, The Summit Church, with one of my friends. It was a great experience. The message today was that we are all lost and even if we have come to know Jesus, everyday we wander astray due to our sinful nature. We are in constant need of Jesus' guidance, and we never run out of re-do's. Unending Love, Amazing Grace. At the end of the service we sang Amazing Grace, one of my all time favorite Hymns. The lyrics speak for themselves. What an Amazing God with Unending Love and Amazing Grace.
True Grit, a movie I would recommend to anyone! It was a great movie, and showed the joy in the simplicity of life. Mattie Ross, a fireball of a girl who is on a mission to avenge her fathers death, says in the beginning of the movie, "You must pay for everything in this world, one way and another. There is nothing free except the Grace of God." How very true and so well said? Without the grace of God I would be so very lost. And it is the Grace of God that I am forever grateful for--It is Grace that has brought me safe thus far and it is Grace that will lead me Home.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.
Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come;
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
and Grace will lead me home.
The Lord has promised good to me.
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.
Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.
When we've been here ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we've first begun.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Not my cup of Tea.

A part of being the best I can be, also means taking care of my body. And to do this, I have been going to the gym with my room mate Catie to work out which is by no means my cup of tea! Catie is a workout Queen, long legs, stamina, and endurance. Me on the other hand, I have short legs that have a hard time moving, especially on the treadmill, no stamina and I often times feel as if my throat is closing up on me, NBD really! While working out, I often feel like this cat with a melon on his head. Annoyed. How do you explain to someone that is athletic what it feels like to be out of shape? You can't. It's like trying to explain to someone who has been in a relationship for most of their life, how single people feel. Not possible. They may give you encouraging words but in the back of your mind you are thinking, "I wish it was that simple." When working out, I have a hard time. All the time. And I don't think it has always been this way, only when I realized that carbs really can solve all of your problems--all you have to do is eat! But I continue to go, and I continue "to get better at working out" Now I normally keep my frustrations to myself, but I had a melt down the other day. The story begins with jump roping. We were going to do 50 jumps of rope and then run two laps around the track and continue for four times. So we begin jumping: one (not to bad!), two (I kind of like this!), three (why don't I do this more often?), four (gosh, I should be on a jump roping team.), trip. No big deal! I'll just start over. Ok, I can do this, its just a rope and I am just jumping. I get to six this time, I'll try again. I can do this! Catie gives me some pointers, I take them into consideration. I get to five, great one less than last time. I'm getting worse. I start to feel sad, I'm a failure! Catie can do it! Why can't I do it?! Keep trying, keep messing up. Start to get really annoyed. I hate doing things I am bad at! Why can't I be athletic? So all of this boils up, Catie's pointers, my unathleticness, why am I out of breath?, this stupid rope keeps getting caught in my feet, I wish I could do this better!, I quit. I wanted my mommy at this point, she always makes me feel better. But I had to run a lap around the track, great. I was mad, and it was apparent. I hate being mad, it makes people so uncomfortable and I feel so awful afterwards and I just want to take back all my angry actions. But you can't do that, you know? What's done is done. I tell this story to show you that I hate doing things I am bad at. I don't like to admit defeat. I want to be strong and fix everything, but I can't. I started thinking while I was doing the stair-master, that I don't show others Jesus like I should--that is something I do bad! I want other people to see Jesus in my everyday life, I want them to know how great and loving He is! I aim for my life to be a reflection of His love. I want to be the BEST I can be. I want to know Him more, and I want to follow Him blindly through my life wherever He may take me.
Friday, January 14, 2011
It is official.
I have made it official. I am no longer a member of the addicting, superficial world of Facebook. I deactivated my account only a few moments ago. When I went to deactivate it, Facebook told me that some of my virtual friends will miss me. Yes, you read that right--I was told that 5 different people would miss me. I don't remember exactly who they were but Facebook said, "So and so will miss you" and then showed a pictured of me and so and so. And it did that for 4 other people; in addition it gave me the option of sending them a message and "reconnecting" with them. I also had to give a reason for my departure and when I clicked the option of "I spend way too much time of Facebook" a solution came up. Yes, a solution to not spend time on Facebook. Hmm, how much harder is Facebook going to try and stop me from deactivating my account? The solution you ask? "You can limit the amount of time you spend on Facebook by not recieving emails about your notifications." Not a very good solution if you ask me, because when I started my Facebook account I cared nothing about emails! Come on, I was in highschool. I actually had already chose to not recieve emails about my notifications! I thought you should know this Facebook, how long have we been together?! 4 years. And you didn't even know I chose not to recieve emails about my notifications. What other lies will I learn about our relationship? So good try Facebook, but I'm sorry to say that you have lost a devoted stalker of people who she never sees in real life and wishes "to keep in touch" with the people "close" to her. Facebook didn't give up at the guilt trip of who would "miss me" once I leave. Nooo, once I had done the deed, the Facebook log in page came up with my email typed in and the "Keep me logged in" box checked; all that was left to do was type in my password. There was also a sweet good bye note that said "Hope to see you back again soon. We will miss you." Really? It also gave me instructions on how to reactivate my account, all I have to do is simply log in as I normally would using my email and password. Gosh, what and ordeal I thought. Who would have thought it would be this big of a deal to deactivate, not even delete, their Facebook account.
Since I had just lost a social network friend, I went to the next closest thing: my email. And I had to my very surprise an email from Facebook telling me that I had just deactivated my account and if I wish to return all I would have to do is log in using my email and password just as I normally would do--Yaaa I know! You already told me once. And it also gave me a link to do so! As if I had immediate regrets on my decission! Facebook REALLY wasn't going to give up, I am sure he was determined to be the last man satanding and get the last word in. Gosh, did I just end a long term relationship? I told Facebook I wasn't intrested in him anymore and he had his heart set on showing my many reasons why I should still date him. As if I didn't mean it the first time, FACEBOOK I AM OVER YOU. Geez, do I have to spell it out in HTML script for you Facebook?! Why is it such a big deal? So Facebook decided to send a note to my email; he sank that low. He went to the other virtual relationship I have to try and get me back. Facebook is a long term boyfriend who really loves me and uses his resources really well--his main one being my email. Don't you mess with my good friend the email! He tells me how it is, doesn't play games, and is a devoted friend who doesn't consume my life. But you Facebook, youuuu, you are the worst. You demand SO much time out of my life! And you are soo unsatisfiying. So I bid you farewale, thanks for a whole lot of nothing!
Since I had just lost a social network friend, I went to the next closest thing: my email. And I had to my very surprise an email from Facebook telling me that I had just deactivated my account and if I wish to return all I would have to do is log in using my email and password just as I normally would do--Yaaa I know! You already told me once. And it also gave me a link to do so! As if I had immediate regrets on my decission! Facebook REALLY wasn't going to give up, I am sure he was determined to be the last man satanding and get the last word in. Gosh, did I just end a long term relationship? I told Facebook I wasn't intrested in him anymore and he had his heart set on showing my many reasons why I should still date him. As if I didn't mean it the first time, FACEBOOK I AM OVER YOU. Geez, do I have to spell it out in HTML script for you Facebook?! Why is it such a big deal? So Facebook decided to send a note to my email; he sank that low. He went to the other virtual relationship I have to try and get me back. Facebook is a long term boyfriend who really loves me and uses his resources really well--his main one being my email. Don't you mess with my good friend the email! He tells me how it is, doesn't play games, and is a devoted friend who doesn't consume my life. But you Facebook, youuuu, you are the worst. You demand SO much time out of my life! And you are soo unsatisfiying. So I bid you farewale, thanks for a whole lot of nothing!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
The many faces...
After my decission to leave the realm of Facebook, I still wanted to cherish all of the wonderful memories I have with my friends that are shown in the pictures I am tagged in. So last night, I went through the 1,315 pictures I am tagged in and saved a majority of the pictures--it took a lot of time! My room mate Catie Green sat beside me while I saved the many pictures of myself and my friends. While going through these pictures, I realized that I smile really big and also make faces other than smiling--which are normally pretty hilarious. Catie and I had a good laugh at the many faces I make in pictures. During this process Catie asked me I had ever untagged myself from pictures, my answer was no, not unless I look like I have eaten my way out of a pastry shop. (I added that last part just now, but that really is the only time I have ever untagged myself) A few of my favorite weird faces are:
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Who would leave themselves tagged in a picture like this? You guessed it, ME. |
Bingo chips anyone? Oh rabit? ...I guess that works too.
This one isn't too bad, but wait...
Just playin' some air-guitar with an intense face.
Wait a minute! There it is again.
And again...
Looks like I started when I was young.
There is no escaping this face.
This face looks like it has become some what of a trade mark. I'm considering the option of copyrighting it, is that possible? Looks like it is now. Not only do I make this great face, but I also tend to pop into pictures and I am always on the look out for the camera. This girl is always ready for a photo shoot.
Everyone around me is going about their business, but me? I am ready for the camera.
Once again I am ready for the photo shoot.
This was not posed, my name was called and the picture was taken.
Just like SpongeBob, I'm ready.
Be aware, I'll be ready for your picture.
The face does not fail to pop up again.
While going through my pictures, I also realized how intense I am:
Not to mention my great dance moves:
After the many pictures of myself, I thought it might be a good time to rethink my life. Maybe I should be more aware of the faces I make? And maybe I should try and act like I am 20 years old? Naaaah. I don't think so. I think being the goofy, silly girl I am will be just fine.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Who said change was bad?
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Connect with people? Psh, more like stalk people! |
This year I am going to try something different;instead of Facebook stalking I'm going to try blogging. For quite some time, Facebook has been annoying me. I was tired of stalking the same people everyday and when I tried to stalk new people I was dissintrested. I wanted to keep up with the same people in hopes that they too had the same interest in my life as I creepely did in theirs; but I finially realized that I am NOT keeping up with them! I am stalking their Facebook profile, which is no where near "keeping in touch". It was the perfect balance of not really having to talk to someone but knowing everything about their lives, you couldn't ask for a better a relationship?! But if you think about it, that is not reality! You can't have a relationship with someone and not talk to them or actual see them in real life and just take a look-see at their happenings whenever you want! That is not real life! And so often today people believe that this IS real life, a message that does not need to be sent to young people in America or the whole world for that matter. So I was begining to live a life via Facebook that was not satisfying and was normally a dissapointment. Each time I would log onto my Facebook account, I would cross my fingers in hopes of multiple notifications--what a life?! (my attempt at sarcasm) Always hoping for wall posts or comments on my pictures--preferably from the people I would daily stalk :) But these were rare occurances, and now will be ceased commpletely.
So this year is a year of change for me. Change has always been something that I do NOT like, but in the end has always (more times than not) been for the better. I hope that this big life change, and trust me when I say BIG, will be for the better. And I have high hopes that it will be. So cheers to blogging and I'll see ya on the flip-side Facebook!

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