I'm a goal oriented woman. I love goals! And I love lists too… My lists are normally what help me accomplish my goals, so they go hand in hand. Sometimes, it's hard for me to complete my goals though. Recently I have found this to be very true. Why? Why cannot I not complete my goals? My inability to finish my goals is evident in the list of books that remain unfinished on my shelf. An unfinished, unread book?! Blasphemy! I cannot fathom why I can't finish a book. And it's not like they are poor written books, they are wonderful books written by incredible authors. C.S. Lewis, Hemingway, Harper Lee… So many pages filled with knowledge and insight and I can't seem to finish any of them! What is my deal-io, YO?! Well, after much thinking and figuring I realized I can blame this on my possession of an iPhone. I have become so distracted from everything. I can't sit down without and read without wondering if I missed a tweet or if someone liked my artsy Instagram photo or if I should capture this moment of me "reading" by taking a picture via Instagram to post and show everyone just how well-rounded I am. I can't even go to bed without refreshing my Twitter feed, checking my Instagram and catching up on my Words with Friends or Draw Something games… And by that point, I am too tired to read a book. So what can I do to fix this? Hmmmm…
Option 1: Get rid of iPhone. HA. Yeah freakin right! I heart my iPhone and I am certain I would be *literally* lost without being able to use google maps. Everything bit of information I could possibly ever want to know is at my fingertips, but I would much rather have a page that belongs to a good book at my fingertips.
Option 2: Self control. Maybe I could use self-control..? I may need to develop some more of it first though.
Option 3: Limit my use. Well, I believe this goes hand-in-hand with Option 2, but I felt lame only having 2 options. So I made another. So what could my boundaries be? No apps after a certain time? Maybe I could delete my Twitter and FB apps? I mean I have them on this very computer that I am typing on! I could allow myself to only check/use my phone for other uses than text messaging/calling peeps, for a limited amount of time. And when I am reading I could put my phone somewhere else. So what if I miss out on a witty Tweet about my whereabouts or miss a text message from a friend (which are rare LOL). My life has become centered around technology, I really do become anxious if I am to be away from my phone for an extended amount of time. For instance, if I am doing yard work and I need to leave my phone inside I wonder how many Tweets I am missing or how many Instagrammed moments I won't be able to see immediately. So, I believe this is something that needs to happen! I believe that I have much more possibilities if I wasn't so handicapped by my phone.
People, take heed! Challenge yourself just as I am to limit your phone use. Real talk, how annoying is it when you are with someone and they just keep checking their phone? Like serrriously, are they waiting on an invite to hang out or do something more interesting that spending time with you? What a disgrace, I mean I am tons of fun! So who would want to check their phone for updates when I am enough entertainment as it is? ;)
Stay cool, my friends.