Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A little motivation...

Well… I was in need of a little motivation! So I organized a dance party for myself. Anyone can do it; and I can show you how! 

1. Watch this video to give yourself motivation-

2. Repeat aloud 10 times, "I like myself!" while standing in Mountain Pose (feet planted firmly on the earth, with each of your digits making contact; good posture, and hands at heart center)

3. Listen to "Girl on Fire" and sing in the mirror like Alicia Keys

4. Listen to a second song, I chose "Home" by Phillip Phillips. But any song of choice that will get you up and dancing around your room without a care in the world will do!

5. Smile for the rest of the day. 

6. Accomplish that to-do list! (but don't let it define you!!!) 

Rock on readers, ROCK ON. 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Thoughts on Life...

Recently, my thoughts have all been geared towards life. And not just reflecting, but trying to figure out my life. My purpose, my strengths, my weaknesses, my goals. So far, there have been a lot of things I would like to do. And the more I think about my scary-very-close-and-becoming-SO-real-future, I can conclude that there are many things that I would like to do! And I am pretty good at coming up with my ideal future and just hoping that it will happen, and then my Savior gently reminds me that He has something so much greater in store for me. This can be a double edged sword sometimes, and I write to you all with all honesty. There are things in my life that I desire so deeply! I can convince myself that they are things that I NEED, I picture them in my future and when I take them out, my future can become this lifeless, and colorless picture. Humanly I have many desires and I currently am in a state where I see those desires as a necessity. Especially now, as my future is near and is becoming so much of a reality, I want to cling very tightly to the things I want to control. However, it seems the more I cling and the tighter I hold, the more out of control things seem.

For someone like myself: a list-maker, a planner, and someone who is lost without their planner (or now my iPhone), I like to know whats going on. I want to know my next step, my future plans, where I will be in a year, and (this is a very girly one) when will I get to see who my husband is? These questions have been a never-ending, very vicious cycle in my mind lately. And I become such a bitter women after I forcefully end the cycle of daunting questions about my life, I want things to go my way! But the more I think about it, the more I see things going in a different direction than I had planned or hoped.

Each decision I make, each choice about my next course of action, seems like I am deciding the fate of our galaxy. I see myself not presented with a fork in the road with two or three choices but I find myself on a road that has led me to an intersection that has about 15 different options and each of them determine the course of my life. Where to go next? Which road should I choose? And what if I don't succeed? The always present "what-if" questions become very loud, and the funny thing is; I am the one who is saying them? No one around me is asking these questions that infer that I may fail? So why do I insist on being so self-defeating? That's the million dollar question right there.

So what decision do I make? What road is the right one for me to take? May my prayer be that the Lord may comfort me and surround me in His peace.

Friday, May 25, 2012

iPhone or iHandicappedbyiPhone?

I'm a goal oriented woman. I love goals! And I love lists too… My lists are normally what help me accomplish my goals, so they go hand in hand. Sometimes, it's hard for me to complete my goals though. Recently I have found this to be very true. Why? Why cannot I not complete my goals? My inability to finish my goals is evident in the list of books that remain unfinished on my shelf. An unfinished, unread book?! Blasphemy! I cannot fathom why I can't finish a book. And it's not like they are poor written books, they are wonderful books written by incredible authors. C.S. Lewis, Hemingway, Harper Lee… So many pages filled with knowledge and insight and I can't seem to finish any of them! What is my deal-io, YO?! Well, after much thinking and figuring I realized I can blame this on my possession of an iPhone. I have become so distracted from everything. I can't sit down without and read without wondering if I missed a tweet or if someone liked my artsy Instagram photo or if I should capture this moment of me "reading" by taking a picture via Instagram to post and show everyone just how well-rounded I am.  I can't even go to bed without refreshing my Twitter feed, checking my Instagram and catching up on my Words with Friends or Draw Something games… And by that point, I am too tired to read a book. So what can I do to fix this? Hmmmm…

Option 1: Get rid of iPhone. HA. Yeah freakin right! I heart my iPhone and I am certain I would be *literally* lost without being able to use google maps. Everything bit of information I could possibly ever want to know is at my fingertips, but I would much rather have a page that belongs to a good book at my fingertips.

Option 2: Self control. Maybe I could use self-control..? I may need to develop some more of it first though.

Option 3: Limit my use. Well, I believe this goes hand-in-hand with Option 2, but I felt lame only having 2 options. So I made another. So what could my boundaries be? No apps after a certain time? Maybe I could delete my Twitter and FB apps? I mean I have them on this very computer that I am typing on! I could allow myself to only check/use my phone for other uses than text messaging/calling peeps, for a limited amount of time. And when I am reading I could put my phone somewhere else. So what if I miss out on a witty Tweet about my whereabouts or miss a text message from a friend (which are rare LOL). My life has become centered around technology, I really do become anxious if I am to be away from my phone for an extended amount of time. For instance, if I am doing yard work and I need to leave my phone inside I wonder how many Tweets I am missing or how many Instagrammed moments I won't be able to see immediately. So, I believe this is something that needs to happen! I believe that I have much more possibilities if I wasn't so handicapped by my phone.

People, take heed! Challenge yourself just as I am to limit your phone use. Real talk, how annoying is it when you are with someone and they just keep checking their phone? Like serrriously, are they waiting on an invite to hang out or do something more interesting that spending time with you? What a disgrace, I mean I am tons of fun! So who would want to check their phone for updates when I am enough entertainment as it is? ;)

Stay cool, my friends.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Life is SO beautiful

Life is a beautiful thing. Unfortunately, we often don't take time to see it's beauty.  All around us is beauty. We are beautiful, but we try so very hard to not see our own beauty that is inside of use. Beauty is around us, and we are blinded to most all of it. Each of us is unique, we all have a different story.  And it is our friends, our closest dearest friends that take the time to hear our story. It is those people that I am most thankful for.  My beautiful, awesome and dear friends.  They have taught me so much about who I am and to help me see my beauty. But more than them, Jesus works inside of me each day to show me my beauty. And I'll admit, most days it is so hard! When you have the world screaming at you and telling you to be something else, to be someone different, someone who is not yourself.  To be yourself in this kind of world is so brave and also so freeing! Be who you are, be true to yourself. And take time today to see the beauty in life, to see your beauty! 

Monday, April 23, 2012

My emotions have gone hay-wire. Mayday, MAYDAY!

The title says it all. My emotions, are a bit off the chain right now. And by "off the chain", I don't mean "A great deal of fun" or "Very attractive" as defined by the trustworthy and scholarly Urban Dictionary. I mean they are CRAY! (As in crazy, if my mommy is reading this and isn't to sure of that abbreve [abbreviation for abbreviation for all those not-so-hip peeps reading]

This came from Urban Dictionary, a reliable and scholarly source. 

No, my emotions could be more defined as the seventh definition given to us by Urban Dictionary. (adj) Crazy, uncontrollable, nuts, insane in the membrane; and the sentence to show the word in context goes right along with me right about now, "That lady is off the chain". Yep, I am crazy, uncontrollable, nuts and my personal favorite, insane in the membrane (insane in the brain). I'm not really sure where all of these raging emotions came from to be quite honest! 

One minute I am a motivated student writing an awesome paper with some pretty great sources to back it up and then the next I'm crying in the stairwell because I couldn't get a pizza lunchable. Well, I also was sort of offended because the two ladies working at the C-store weren't exactly the nicest people to poor-little-unstable-me. So naturally like any normal person would do, I walked out and went to the closest stairwell to cry. Normal, right? Yeah, I'd think so. After a short little cry (OKKAAY it might have been a little longer than "short", but it was brief I tell ya!), I picked myself up and walked back to the library grabbing a Lemonade girl-scout cookie that was sitting outside my friends room on the way. I make it to the library with no further extreme emotional displays, and go downstairs to grab myself a cup of coffee. How great is it that I can get coffee FO free at the brary of lies?! It's pretty great, my fellow blog-readers. Well while getting this free cup of coffee, I got a little excited and filled it to the brim. You know, the very tippy-top that makes you fear for your hand while holding it? Yeah, that's what happened. So I took it like a champ and carried it! I didn't do the logical thing, which would have been to dump a little bit of it out before making my journey back to my campsite. Nope, I just trucked on up the stairs making it to the level my campsite was on with no causalities. It's on this level, however, where things get a little tricky. I start picking up my pace, thinking I can handle the last stretch. I speed walk, looking more like a baby who just learned how to walk than an experience speed walker in their late 40's. I am half way to my campsite; a little dribble to my pointer finger, "It's ok" I tell myself "You didn't need feeling in that small patch of skin anyways! Keep going!" Here I meet the distraction, another body I spot in my peripherals, they are slowly approaching. Should I let them pass me? Or should I show that I can walk like a champion with a cup of steaming hot coffee filled to the tippy-top brim? I of course choose the later! I am no failure! I push onward. Oh great, another dribble, and then a large spill and now it's not filled to the tippy-top brim any more and the remnants are left spilled on the carpet of the library. All of this happened so fast and while it spilled I slowly whispered the "S" word making it about a 10 second word in hopes that it would be unrecognizable because I hadn't really intended for it come out. Right after my attempt to butcher a cuss word that wasn't supposed to be said, I make eye contact with the other body that I had originally saw in my peripherals. He passed me, and right as we make eye contact, which was just after I finished the last second of the "S" word, he gives me a little upward turn of the edge of his mouth. Communicating that he had been watching me the whole time and thinks I am just an ant in his opinion. WELL YA KNOW WHAT PERSON I DON'T KNOW?! I am no ant!! And you are just a man trying to prove his masculinity with both your ears pierced and a very small mouth for the size of your head.  And in case you're wondering, it's not working! OH? You went to a sorority formal and you're wearing the t-shirt to prove it? Good try, but I have a sorority t-shirt too and I am in no sorority FYI. I bet that shirt will end up in the Goodwill in 20 years time, so why don't you call my in 20 years and tell me how masculine you are? Good idea, I'm sure when you're 40 your ear piercings will look great on you! (sarcasm; if you, by any chance, are reading this, person I don't know).  Anyways, I make it back to my campsite with only a few physical ailments and one small emotional set-back that is now fixed after blogging. I mumble a bit of my thoughts to my friend sitting at the same table and she looks up with that look you give people when you have no idea what they just said and reaaalllyyy hope they don't repeat it because you care more about the well-being of a blade of grass than what they just said. So I of course pick up on it and say, "Ignore anything I say hahaaa" And she smiles with confusion and goes back to work.

SO. This was the last half hour of my life. Exhilarating, I know! Feel free to follow me around any time to get a glimpse of The Adventures of Meg-May... or is it The Adventures of Tin-Tin...? 

I leave all my loyal blog readers with false hope for carrying coffee that is filled to the tippy top brim. You can't do it! Don't try, you will only be left with douche bags starring at you and a few skin burns.  BUT do turn on your U2 Pandora Radio station if you want to have something to spice up your library study life.  

Do not fear if you find yourself going from motivated, to crying in a stairwell, to getting pity looks from guys with their ears pierced, to blogging about your emotions because it's the only thing you can think to do, to feeling motivated again. It happens to everyone! 


One more thing: the coffee was burnt. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Social Media and Friends.

Social media is such a buzz kill. It really has a way of making you feel SO out of the loop. I sort of hate it actually, more like despise it.  There is nothing worse than seeing a tweet about your friends hanging out or having a picture show up on your news feed of people having an awesome time--and you're in your room doing nothing, or homework.  I don't like it, and I really think it was created for people to show others that their life is so awesome. Does anybody really care who you're hanging out with at that specific moment in time? Well, no. But I think people get a lot of satisfaction out of tweeting and posting about who they are hanging out with; mainly to make people jealous of their lives because they aren't really that great to begin with. 

This is mainly a blog to express my frustration, which I did somewhat by writing this. But it is always going to be like this. People are always going to be insecure of their lives and want to make them seem more great than they really are… Oh well… what are ya gonna do. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

New Semester

Today was the beginning of classes and so far it has been pretty productive! I have had a lot of things to get done already even before things have started!! It's crazy. But I am working on not busying myself with things that I don't necessarily need to busy myself with. It can be so easy to make myself really busy and forget to slow down and just breath. Such a simple task can be so extremely difficult sometimes. Most of the time this comes from procrastinating, which I absolutely hate doing. And this semester I hope I am able to make it a habit to completely break! So far I am off to a good start! 

I am looking forward to this semester very much and have a lot of goals for myself that I am hoping to meet. I always like to keep the mindset that there is always room for improvement regarding "me". One of the goals that I am very excited about is my training for a 5k. Now those of you who are runners, may think this to be trivial. But 3.1 miles in my books is quite a ways! I started my training this morning, yes it was hard but I am taking baby steps towards the final product. I have always had the dream to be a runner, and what better time than now?! In my 20's while I'm young! I can't think of a better time, and hopefully I will have made running into a big part of my life. I've got to start somewhere, and I'm taking that small step.  Something that is going to help me through this training and running is the "Marky Mark & The Funky Bunch" Pandora station. It is off the chain! If anyone is looking for a station to give them new motivation every song and to add some humor to their workout, check out this station! You will find what you're looking for and MORE. I love it and am a strong supporter of 90's rap. Word. 

Sunday, January 8, 2012


This year I want to read more. I love reading and it is a big part of my life. Each month I want to make a list of books that I want to read each month. I want to read the classics, and more substantial books.

For January, I am reading the Narnia series. I have only read The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe when I was in elementary school and I love C.S. Lewis. 

I have read The Magician's Nephew and I am currently finishing up The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. Stay tuned for next months books! 

Friday, January 6, 2012


In my opinion, I believe that Facebook was created in order for people to sit around and look at other people's pictures and wall posts and think, "Hmm my life is awful compared to this persons." and "Wow, I never get as many wall post as that person." It's ridiculous!! I catch myself thinking the most untrue things about my life and I despise it!!!! That's why I like Twitter better… ;) I know, I know. I'm so lame because I'm hating on one form of social media but then right after say I love another. Yeah, yeahhh… I don't care. But fuuur reaaal! Facebook plants all these untrue thoughts in my head that make me so sad. So I have to give myself a reality and check every time I start thinking these sorts of things. I also have to realize that people would never put up pictures of them doing lame and everyday things. No!! They're going to put up pictures of them with all these great people doing fun and outgoing things! People want their lives to be more attractive than they really are, we all want other people to look at our lives and think we have it together. But the fact of the matter is, none of us have it together! And if you think you do, you are probably falling apart right under your nose and you're just in denial. So be real. Be YOU! You've been given a job that only you can do, and that's to be yourself. No one else can do this but you, so don't try and dress up your life to look like everyone else's, just let you light shine. Because you ROCK. 

Never-ending habit.

I once told my friend, who is a year above me in school, that I had been thinking about my future. She giggled and said, "Don't, you'll never stop." I should have taken her advice! It's a consuming, never-ending habit. I allow myself to think of the fun parts of my future; such as what I'll wear to my big-girl job, how excited I am to have my own apartment and decorate it, and experimenting with cooking. But rarely do I think of the not-so-fun parts of my future, which includes paying off my debt (WOW this is a big whammy), being on my own and not living at home, paying my own bills and including all the debt I have already accumulated via student loans, where I will live (ideally I would like to live in Asheville, but I don't know if this will happen), who my roommates may be, and the really big one… MY JOB. What the heck am I going to do when I graduate?!!?!! I have no idea. I also am having to think about what type of internship I will do, which has to happen pretty soon, and I don't know the first thing about getting an internship.
Worrying about the future continually, limits our ability to enjoy the present. This year I want to live in the present. Not the future, and also not the past. Worrying about what the future holds can become unhealthy, but focusing on my past can become just as (if not more) consuming. The past has already be written, and if I am always concerned with the future I will never be able to "write" my present to it's full potential. That's what I want to do this year, live in the present. Now. This moment in time. My life is in God's hands and He's going to take great care of it.