So I have a few things that really get to me, some of which are completely ridiculous and others which are pretty understandable (according to me). One of these annoyances that I have are the word verification boxes you have to fill out occasionally online--you know the boxes that have squiggly words and are hard to read? The ones that makes you think, "If I get this wrong this internet site is going to think I'm either drunk or on medications that were not prescribed to me or the sickness they are most commonly used to. So I better get this right, or else I'm going to be in a fight with an internet site." Now do you know what I'm talking about? If not, maybe a visual will help. But first please type the characters you see in the box. HA just kidding, I would never make any of my many readers (I'm thinking positive here!) go through that pain.

These suckers will getcha. And this one is particularly bad because of the two-tonedness, and the swirly letters are just so dumb. Gosh, I just don't like anything about them. I also found that many other people have a dislike for word verification boxes. I found some pretty hostile images toward them. Here are some of my finds:
The "Just say NO" approach...
The death approach...
"I'd like a table for non-word-verification please, and also non-smoking please. I'm really not trying to be high maintenance, this is just who I am"
The prohibition tact-it.
The sweet, peace-full approach.
There were many more images that had negative comments towards word verification, but these were just a few of my favorites. Now remember folks, just say no when it comes to word verification. Silent protest. We can do it, I feel a movement coming on.